How to renew a Mexican passport in Spain in 5 steps

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A Mexican passport can be valid for three, six, or 10 years. If you’re out of the country and want to know how to renew your Mexican passport in Spain, review this guide by Remitly.

Issued by the Mexican Government, a Mexican passport allows you to prove your nationality anywhere in the world. Here are five steps that explain how to renew it in Spain:

1. Review the requirements

To renew your passport in Spain, you must meet certain requirements such as the following:

  1. The renewal process is for Mexicans over 18 years of age and those who already have a Mexican passport, valid or expired.
  2. Your Mexican passport needs an issue date after 1995 or after 2008 at an embassy or consulate.
  3. You’re required to submit a passport application in the required format, completed correctly and including all the personal data requested.
  4. Have your expired or expiring passport ready as you’ll need to present it when you complete the procedure.

2. Verify where the procedure takes place

Complete the passport renewal process in person at the Consular Section of the Mexican Embassy in Spain or at the Mexican Consulate in Barcelona, Monday through Friday. Honorary consulates or consular offices aren’t authorized to perform the renewal.

Before scheduling your Mexican passport renewal, check which of the two offices is right for your case.

The Consular Section of the Embassy of Mexico in Spain (located at Carrera de San Jerónimo 46, 28014, Madrid) covers the following Autonomous Communities:

  • Andalucía
  • Asturias
  • Canary Islands
  • Cantabria
  • Castilla y León
  • Castilla-La Mancha
  • Extremadura
  • Galicia
  • La Rioja
  • Madrid
  • Murcia
  • Navarra
  • Basque Country
  • Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla
  • Residents in the Principality of Andorra

Renew your passport at the Mexican Consulate in Barcelona (located at Pg. de la Bonanova, 55, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08017 Barcelona) if you live in one of these autonomous communities:

  • Aragon
  • Catalonia
  • Balearic Islands
  • Valencia

3. Submit your application

Once you understand the requirements and know where to go, proceed with the application. To do so, you need to:

  1. Enter the MiConsulado website and start the application.
  2. Keep in mind that appointments are available one month in advance. Ask for your appointment with ample time.
  3. Arrive at the consulate on the date and time assigned with all the required documentation. Bring a digital photograph to accompany your new passport. Ensure it’s taken from the front with nothing covering your head or partially or totally covering your face, including glasses.

4. Make payment

Next, pay for your new passport. It’s recommended to pay by credit card if possible. If you prefer to pay in cash, it must be in euros and not in another currency. You’re also required to bring the exact amount.

The cost of the passport ranges from 89 euros (for three years) to 183 euros (for 10 years).

5. Receive your passport

Until April 5, 2021, the delivery of the new passport wasn’t immediate. As of this date, they’re obtained the same day you make your appointment.

About an hour after you start the process, you’ll have your new passport.

Useful tips

If you understand the requirements, complete the forms correctly, and attend your appointment, renewing your Mexican passport is simple. Along with following the steps above, consider these tips for renewing your passport:

  1. Start the process before your current passport expires.
  2. Be clear about how long you need your passport to be valid, which can be three, six, or 10 years.
  3. All the information you provide in the documents must match. If this isn’t the case, the embassy may request further documentation.
  4. Regarding the photograph taken on the day of your appointment, you’ll have to consent to the collection of biometric information.

Frequently asked questions

How can you renew a Mexican passport for a minor?

The requirements are different when the minor isn’t of legal age. In these cases, one of the minor’s parents (or the person with parental authority or guardianship) completes the procedure. To prove their identity and nationality, they can present a certified copy of their birth certificate, among other documents. You can consult the official information of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find out exactly what the process is for minors.

Is it possible to bring forward or change the appointment date once it’s scheduled?

No. That’s why it’s essential to complete the scheduling process while taking this into account so you don’t have problems attending.

Is the application form completed by hand or digitally?

No matter how you present the form, the important thing is that all the requested information is available on the day you plan to complete the process.

Do I have to send the application or information prior to my appointment via email, for example?

No. Submit all required documents on the day of your appointment and not at any other time or by any other means. Applications get reviewed and assessed at that time.

How do I renew my Mexican passport in the U.S.?

Visit our guide on how to renew your Mexican passport in the U.S. and learn about the requirements, documents, and everything you need to renew it.